Why we do this

At RepOne, we believe great strength training should be accessible to all. It shouldn't matter if you're a beginner, a professional coach, or anywhere in between. Everyone should have access to the best tools to improve their body and mind. 

Our founding team is the perfect example of why we believe individualization and automation in strength training is so important. They have different goals and levels of experience, but on their own, each of them noticed there are major gaps in what they were able to accomplish with the technology available to them.

In trying to solve their problems, they realized that athletes, trainers, and coaches of all levels lacked important tools to better themselves and their athletes. High costs kept integral technology out of the hands of amateur athletes and enthusiasts.  Limited software meant training tools could only be used on a small group of athletes or clients. Poor hardware/software integration made real-time feedback impossible.

RepOne aims to solve all of these problems by helping coaches and athletes automate their workouts without breaking their budget, or hiring a large staff of trainers. 

Our approach is different. When we build a tool, we tear it down to its most basic functions and build it back up from scratch. No off-the-shelf sensors or copy-cat athlete management software. The only way to make something better is through genuine innovation.
We’re happy you’re here and hope you find something you like. We have a lot more innovation on the way.

Meet Our Team

Jordan Berke

Co Founder



My 'Why' 

Lifting weights helped me overcome social anxiety and self esteem issues as a teenager. As I got older I realized the benefits it has for people who are overweight, advanced age, suffering from chronic illness, and the list goes on. I believe we can have a significant impact on quality of life for all if we can help trainers scale effective and affordable training.

Fun Fact

My senior year of high school I lost every wrestling match I couldn't end in the first round.

John Lin

Co Founder



My 'Why' 

I’ve always been a sickly child - some years my only memories of school were staying home sick. A dear friend taught me Olympic Lifting, and suddenly I could do more than just crawl into bed after work. I cofounded RepOne as I want my life’s work to help others, from stopping preventable injuries in athletes, to helping the layperson experience more out of life like I did.


Fun Fact

I play the flute when I'm off hiking and camping.

Logan Merriam

Co Founder



My 'Why' 

I grew up with a chronic wasting disease called Crohn's. When I am in remission strength training gives me back control of my body, but it's intimidating to get started. I want to lower the barriers so everyone can have control over their health.


Fun Fact

I've met both Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson in person.

Harrison Hefele




My 'Why' 

As a former athlete who has experienced multiple ACL reconstructions, my involvement in the fitness space is driven by a deep appreciation for maintaining and improving my health. I have recognized the importance of injury prevention and recovery. I firmly believe that RepOne's products offer invaluable insights that can greatly impact an athlete's journey. 


Fun Fact

I can raise both eye brows independently.


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